Statement from da boss man!: Ladies and gentleman my name is Dawn of Light bringing you all sorts of cool stories (actually 1 cool story 1 fail story that i have given up on) Today is the beginning of a new era here at "The Darkest Hour". First things first, Nikki is DEAD, we will not be bringing her back up ever! Secondly i have returned to my homerealm of Trollbane - US. And now for the news on the new era of "The Darkest Hour". Traxxius stories will continue, but instead of practically all my posts being stories and shit like that, i will be posting class specific vids, tutorials, and general advice, in class specific segments on certain days, such as today is Marksmanship Monday. Today will be dedicated to Cryptonight (Another way of spelling Kriptonite, and it has my usual naming scheme in it of "Crypt" in the front) teaching us how to be a better MM hunter (PvE) and until 80/85 how he is leveling and coming along. Yes all these posts will be in character, i.e. first person.
Hello patrons of Azeroth alike, i am Cryptonight here givin ye the 411 about all things Marksmanship. Not any advice as i jus' started me journey. tellin ye i jus started me journey counts towards me progress levelin' wise. so for now remember to "Keep yer feet on the ground!" and until next time, this has been Cryptonight the Dwarf MM Hunter, and that be it for Marksmanship Mondays! Tune in next week!
**Edit 11/16/2010** Hey fellas its me Cryptonight again and i wanted to share everything i done since our first meet. Okay first things first, the top picture be me wit ol CoalPelt, well just like dat nikki chick, CoalPelt be dead now. i replaced him wit MangeClaw in da picture below, and i am not unsatisfied so far by MangeClaws abilitys, i tink me and him are gonna be good friends. I done did alot of favors and tasks for the good people of Dun Morogh, and have now been directed to loch modan, i managed to make it to the inn and take a picture with Ol MangeClaw while only havin 15 seconds before Blizzard pushed the red button to turn off the servers, sooo until next time this has been yer good friends and drinkin buddies Cryptonight, and MangeClaw!

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