Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Pilgrims Bounty!
Happy Pilgrims bounty one and all! this is the big boss DOL speaking for the entire team when i say i hope everyone has an amazing time today doing whatever their going to be doing, whether it be spending time with family and friends, to going out with that special someone to a one on one date. No matter how you spend your day today, i hope its magical, sooo have an amazing Pilgrims Bounty, and ill see you tomorrow for a emergency version of MarksManshipMondays
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
RANT: Tuesday maintence!
OMG! i go to log on to WoW and i see "Realms will be down from 3 am pst" and i think oh well at least im on EST +3 hours. and then i see "and until 11 am pst" and im like "WHHHAAAAATTTT!!!!!!! I CANT PLAY UNTIL 2 PM!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! OMFG!!!!" and then i cried a bit and then thought i would blog about it, leave me a comment saying what u do on tuesday downtime! Me personally i am going to read WoW comics and every single post ever published to AKA the WoW Insider! until next time Cya folks!
~Remember no matter how much time it will take out of your busy schedule, ALWAYS PUNT THE GOD DAMNED GNOME!~
Monday, November 15, 2010
Marksmanship Monday's!!!

Statement from da boss man!: Ladies and gentleman my name is Dawn of Light bringing you all sorts of cool stories (actually 1 cool story 1 fail story that i have given up on) Today is the beginning of a new era here at "The Darkest Hour". First things first, Nikki is DEAD, we will not be bringing her back up ever! Secondly i have returned to my homerealm of Trollbane - US. And now for the news on the new era of "The Darkest Hour". Traxxius stories will continue, but instead of practically all my posts being stories and shit like that, i will be posting class specific vids, tutorials, and general advice, in class specific segments on certain days, such as today is Marksmanship Monday. Today will be dedicated to Cryptonight (Another way of spelling Kriptonite, and it has my usual naming scheme in it of "Crypt" in the front) teaching us how to be a better MM hunter (PvE) and until 80/85 how he is leveling and coming along. Yes all these posts will be in character, i.e. first person.
Hello patrons of Azeroth alike, i am Cryptonight here givin ye the 411 about all things Marksmanship. Not any advice as i jus' started me journey. tellin ye i jus started me journey counts towards me progress levelin' wise. so for now remember to "Keep yer feet on the ground!" and until next time, this has been Cryptonight the Dwarf MM Hunter, and that be it for Marksmanship Mondays! Tune in next week!
**Edit 11/16/2010** Hey fellas its me Cryptonight again and i wanted to share everything i done since our first meet. Okay first things first, the top picture be me wit ol CoalPelt, well just like dat nikki chick, CoalPelt be dead now. i replaced him wit MangeClaw in da picture below, and i am not unsatisfied so far by MangeClaws abilitys, i tink me and him are gonna be good friends. I done did alot of favors and tasks for the good people of Dun Morogh, and have now been directed to loch modan, i managed to make it to the inn and take a picture with Ol MangeClaw while only havin 15 seconds before Blizzard pushed the red button to turn off the servers, sooo until next time this has been yer good friends and drinkin buddies Cryptonight, and MangeClaw!

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Nikki's Dairy
November 11, 2010
Hello readers this my name is Nikki. I live in a small secluded underground town know as Darkburrow, which is very close to the smaller above ground town of Aldrassil, both of which are in the area of Shadowglenn. Well about two years earlier i started practicing my Bow & Arrow skills, and now in the master marksman of Darkburrow, and possibly all of Shadowglenn. At about 8 am yesterday Darkburrow received a letter from Aldrassil asking for assistance. It wasn't very long before the elders confronted me, they told me i had to go and help them, as soon as the job, or jobs are finished i will be allowed to return home. So i prepared to leave.
The next day i said goodbye to my parents and all my friends with a promise of returning soon. As i was leaving the burrow i was maliciously attacked by a rogue furbolg. Before i knew it the damned thing had me pinned to the ground, and before i was able to even reach for my sword there was a white blur the headbutted my attacker and threw him off or me. As i struggled to sit up i noticed that my defender was in fact a white nightsaber with black stripes, a rare breed indeed. The nightsaber literally tore my attacker to shreds. After it was done with what i assumed was his meal, he came running towards me, before i even had time to react it was on top of me. Then the completely unexpected happened, instead of tearing me to shreds and eating me like it did to my previous attacker, it licked me. After a near death experience like that i was overjoyed that this nightsaber had no interest in killing me and i gave it a big hug, and it proceeded to lick my face. i ended the hug, got up, and pulled out one of the shiny red apples i brought for my trip and fed it to the nightsaber as a special treat for saving my life, even though it had just ate my attacker, it seemed to eat the apple like it had been starved for days. I laughed like never before at this creatures obvious love for eating gave it a pat on the head and started walking towards my destination. Once again to my surprise the wild nightsaber started following me. I didnt pay it any mind til i reached Shadowglenn and it was still following me. i turned around and thanked it again for coming to my rescue with another shiny red apple, once again he ate it with vigor. I told it it could go back home if it wanted to but it didnt budge. So i decided to just keep walking and i asked one of the locals to direct me to the man who i would be helping, and they pointed towards a elf named Conservator Ilthalaine. When i got there he explained that the population of the wild animals around Shadowglenn were getting out of control. After culling quite a few of the local wildlife i was sent to a dryad named Tarindrella who instructed me that a group of low level demons known as Grells and Grellkin were possibly under the corruption of a substance known as Fel Moss. After retrieving proof that the Grells and Grellkin were under the influence of this dangerous substance, Tarindrella sent me to visit with Gilshalan Windwalker and see if i could help further his research. When i found Gilshalan Windwalker he asked me if i could get him 10 Webwood Venom Sacs and i was happy to oblige. I went in search of a cave he had mentioned that was crawling with Webwood Spiders. On my way to the cave i ran into Dirania Silvershine who told me her friend who had set out to investigate the cave has been gone hours and has not sent word of his well being, she asked me to go find him and see if anything was wrong. Did i mention that the nightsaber that saved my life was still with me and helping me fight everything i had encountered so far and i hate to say it but i dont no if i would have been able to manage without him so far. So i approached the cave and heard a loud groan from a near passage in the mountains near the cave so me and my new friend the nightsaber went to investigate, and thus we found Iverron who told me that he didnt have much time and to get a antidote from Dirania Silvershine to cure the poison he contracted from a large Webwood Spider known as Githyiss the Vile. So with the help of my friend the nightsaber, i quickly grabbed the 10 Webwood Venom Sac i needed for Gilshalan Windwalker and ran quickly to Dirania Silvershine to get the antidote Iverron needed sadly she didnt have the ingredients for the antidote but told me where to get them, and instructed me to be swift do to my time constraints, so with the nightsaber in tow i ran to Gilshalan Windwalker and turned in the venom sacs, he told me to come see him as soon as he finishes studying the venom sacs. I grabbed all the ingredients, which required killing a spider and a few Grellkin to get. I got the ingredients back to Dirania Silvershine and she quickly whipped up some of Iverron Antidote and sent me off to Iverron with it and said he was probably almost dead by now and i needed to hurry. When i reached Iverron he was lying on the ground and i pretty much had to put the bottle to his mouth and pour it in. Iverron made a speedy recovery and thanked me for my help, i noticed him walking back towards Aldrassil in the opposite way. Me and my buddy walked back into Aldrassil and saw Dirania Silvershine speaking with Iverron. So i was going to go meet with the local hunter trainer to see if i could learn any new tricks from her and i got stopped by Gilshalan Windwalker who said he had completed his research of the venom sacs but now needed a Webwood Egg to finally complete his research on the Webwood Spiders. So i rushed up the tree and went to talk to Ayanna Everstride who taught me how to shoot a Steady Shot. I ran towards the cave killed my way through with my nightsaber to help, and found myself in front of the infamous Githyiss the Vile i quickly fired a Steady Shot at it and my buddy ran in to grab his attention, it was a smooth fight and eventually Githyiss the Vile was no more. I grabbed one of the eggs that he was gaurding and took off with the nightsaber right behind me towards Aldrassil. When i got the egg to Gilshalan Windwalker he couldnt stop thanking me for braving the cave that nearly killed Iverron and avenging his honor by killing that behemoth of a spider. He told me that while i was out i got a request from the leader of Aldrassil, Tenaron Stormgrip. When i got to him he gave me a request to fill up a phial full of water from a near moonwell. And so i did. I gave him the phial and he told me to take a sample of it over to his friend, a druid, in a settlement known as Dolanaar. So i set out with my new best friend right behind me to Dolanaar. Along the way we met a elf named Porthannius and he asked us if we could complete his delivery to Dolanaar if i was to be heading that way. So i accepted his burden and we made our way to Dolanaar.
When we got there i rushed to the Inn immediately to deliver the package and then headed outside to give the Druid his portion of the water from the moonwell in Aldrassil. After that we headed back into the Inn and rented a room for a one night stay.
Hello readers this my name is Nikki. I live in a small secluded underground town know as Darkburrow, which is very close to the smaller above ground town of Aldrassil, both of which are in the area of Shadowglenn. Well about two years earlier i started practicing my Bow & Arrow skills, and now in the master marksman of Darkburrow, and possibly all of Shadowglenn. At about 8 am yesterday Darkburrow received a letter from Aldrassil asking for assistance. It wasn't very long before the elders confronted me, they told me i had to go and help them, as soon as the job, or jobs are finished i will be allowed to return home. So i prepared to leave.
The next day i said goodbye to my parents and all my friends with a promise of returning soon. As i was leaving the burrow i was maliciously attacked by a rogue furbolg. Before i knew it the damned thing had me pinned to the ground, and before i was able to even reach for my sword there was a white blur the headbutted my attacker and threw him off or me. As i struggled to sit up i noticed that my defender was in fact a white nightsaber with black stripes, a rare breed indeed. The nightsaber literally tore my attacker to shreds. After it was done with what i assumed was his meal, he came running towards me, before i even had time to react it was on top of me. Then the completely unexpected happened, instead of tearing me to shreds and eating me like it did to my previous attacker, it licked me. After a near death experience like that i was overjoyed that this nightsaber had no interest in killing me and i gave it a big hug, and it proceeded to lick my face. i ended the hug, got up, and pulled out one of the shiny red apples i brought for my trip and fed it to the nightsaber as a special treat for saving my life, even though it had just ate my attacker, it seemed to eat the apple like it had been starved for days. I laughed like never before at this creatures obvious love for eating gave it a pat on the head and started walking towards my destination. Once again to my surprise the wild nightsaber started following me. I didnt pay it any mind til i reached Shadowglenn and it was still following me. i turned around and thanked it again for coming to my rescue with another shiny red apple, once again he ate it with vigor. I told it it could go back home if it wanted to but it didnt budge. So i decided to just keep walking and i asked one of the locals to direct me to the man who i would be helping, and they pointed towards a elf named Conservator Ilthalaine. When i got there he explained that the population of the wild animals around Shadowglenn were getting out of control. After culling quite a few of the local wildlife i was sent to a dryad named Tarindrella who instructed me that a group of low level demons known as Grells and Grellkin were possibly under the corruption of a substance known as Fel Moss. After retrieving proof that the Grells and Grellkin were under the influence of this dangerous substance, Tarindrella sent me to visit with Gilshalan Windwalker and see if i could help further his research. When i found Gilshalan Windwalker he asked me if i could get him 10 Webwood Venom Sacs and i was happy to oblige. I went in search of a cave he had mentioned that was crawling with Webwood Spiders. On my way to the cave i ran into Dirania Silvershine who told me her friend who had set out to investigate the cave has been gone hours and has not sent word of his well being, she asked me to go find him and see if anything was wrong. Did i mention that the nightsaber that saved my life was still with me and helping me fight everything i had encountered so far and i hate to say it but i dont no if i would have been able to manage without him so far. So i approached the cave and heard a loud groan from a near passage in the mountains near the cave so me and my new friend the nightsaber went to investigate, and thus we found Iverron who told me that he didnt have much time and to get a antidote from Dirania Silvershine to cure the poison he contracted from a large Webwood Spider known as Githyiss the Vile. So with the help of my friend the nightsaber, i quickly grabbed the 10 Webwood Venom Sac i needed for Gilshalan Windwalker and ran quickly to Dirania Silvershine to get the antidote Iverron needed sadly she didnt have the ingredients for the antidote but told me where to get them, and instructed me to be swift do to my time constraints, so with the nightsaber in tow i ran to Gilshalan Windwalker and turned in the venom sacs, he told me to come see him as soon as he finishes studying the venom sacs. I grabbed all the ingredients, which required killing a spider and a few Grellkin to get. I got the ingredients back to Dirania Silvershine and she quickly whipped up some of Iverron Antidote and sent me off to Iverron with it and said he was probably almost dead by now and i needed to hurry. When i reached Iverron he was lying on the ground and i pretty much had to put the bottle to his mouth and pour it in. Iverron made a speedy recovery and thanked me for my help, i noticed him walking back towards Aldrassil in the opposite way. Me and my buddy walked back into Aldrassil and saw Dirania Silvershine speaking with Iverron. So i was going to go meet with the local hunter trainer to see if i could learn any new tricks from her and i got stopped by Gilshalan Windwalker who said he had completed his research of the venom sacs but now needed a Webwood Egg to finally complete his research on the Webwood Spiders. So i rushed up the tree and went to talk to Ayanna Everstride who taught me how to shoot a Steady Shot. I ran towards the cave killed my way through with my nightsaber to help, and found myself in front of the infamous Githyiss the Vile i quickly fired a Steady Shot at it and my buddy ran in to grab his attention, it was a smooth fight and eventually Githyiss the Vile was no more. I grabbed one of the eggs that he was gaurding and took off with the nightsaber right behind me towards Aldrassil. When i got the egg to Gilshalan Windwalker he couldnt stop thanking me for braving the cave that nearly killed Iverron and avenging his honor by killing that behemoth of a spider. He told me that while i was out i got a request from the leader of Aldrassil, Tenaron Stormgrip. When i got to him he gave me a request to fill up a phial full of water from a near moonwell. And so i did. I gave him the phial and he told me to take a sample of it over to his friend, a druid, in a settlement known as Dolanaar. So i set out with my new best friend right behind me to Dolanaar. Along the way we met a elf named Porthannius and he asked us if we could complete his delivery to Dolanaar if i was to be heading that way. So i accepted his burden and we made our way to Dolanaar.
When we got there i rushed to the Inn immediately to deliver the package and then headed outside to give the Druid his portion of the water from the moonwell in Aldrassil. After that we headed back into the Inn and rented a room for a one night stay.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Traxxius Part 7
"GO QUICK!" a voice shouted. *BOOM* the sound of the explosion rang out. "*cough* Go Hammer of the Earthmother! Get to the traitor king quick before he gets away!" Said a dying blood elf. The sounds of men dying where coursing throughout the halls of Tempest Keep. "HAHAHAHAHA, you puny mortals believed you could just barge in here and kill me? HAHAHA! Now you will all parish for your sins against the Legion!" A loud voice shouted. *BOOOOOOM!!* Another explosion rang out and everything went black. "Traxxius! Wake up! Traxxius!" A voice called out. "Huh??!!??!" Traxxius shouted as he sprung up from the bed. "Traxxius, you've been asleep for the past 6 hours. We're about to cross into the Outlands, i just thought you would like to be awake for the rest of the journey." Spoke the Blood Elf leader Lor'themar Theron. "Oh, uh, yeah, okay im awake." Responded Traxxius.
The zeppelin was nearing the Dark Portal, and Traxxius realized that they were way to high to actually go through the portal, but instead the captain pulled and lever and all of the sudden the zeppelin started going at a speed of around one hundred MMPS (Milli-meters per second), which most of you will realize is like insanely fast. In maybe a second or two the zeppelin flew over the Dark Portal and warped through time and space and all of a sudden the zeppelin popped out in the area known as Blades Edge Mountains. The zeppelin slowed way down as we approached the NetherStorm. "Alright folks, This is where you get off." The captain said over the intercom. "Wh-What? I thought we were going to land at Cosmowrench!" Traxxius questioned. "No. That would be impossible do to the high electro-magnetic fields that exist within the NetherStorm." Replied Lor'themar Theron. Instead we shall ride dragonhawks to Cosmowrench.
Lor'themar and i rode in front of the troop, and discussed battle plans. After awhile i decided to tell Lor'themar about my dream, to see if he could tell me what it meant. "Oh no. This isn't good at all!" was Lor'themar's response to me dreams. "Traxxius... You have a very close connection to the Earthmother. I believe she sent you that dream to warn you about our mission... i think we should just turn around now and let you get back to your business in Northrend." Lor'themar propositioned. "Not gonna happen, im in this now and nothing is gonna stop me from killing the Traitor King." Traxxius refused. A big grin crossed the face of Lor'themar Theron for a split second before he gave his last warning, "Traxxius, Hammer of the Earthmother, we are blessed to have a brave soul like you to help us. Alright just remember, there is no guarantee that we will survive this mission".
We landed and corralled our Dragonhawks in Cosmowrench. Just in case we would actually be coming back from this mission we would need these Dragonhawks to fly us over to the zeppelin landing site. "Well we have twenty-four hours before the initial team goes in to get a foothold into the keep, which of course means me." The elven leader spoke for the first time after his final warning to Traxxius. "About an hour after we breech the keep you are to report to the rendezvous point to meet up with the adventurers who have volunteered to join you." Lor'Themar continued. "Okay that means we have time to grab a few drinks at the pub then head back to the rental house for a little R&R before we have to go through with this mission." Traxxius replied trying to lighten the mood.
After a few drinks at the local inn we headed back to the rental house and got settled in. "I brought my best stuff for tonight man." Traxxius stated with a smirk on his face. "Haha, you never fail to surprise me young druid." Lor'themar replied returning the same smirk. Along with a few of the Silvermoon Army that Lor'themar brought for the initial ground taking team that hadnt gone off to bed, Traxxius and Lor'Themar did some real relaxing with the bag of Bruiseweed that Traxxius brought with him (Hey what can i say? this could have easily been the last night of my life, and after that strange dream i had i was pretty much convinced it would be) "Well, i can honestly say one thing friend... i wouldn't have spent my last night on Azeroth with anyone else, whether this is my last night or not." Stated Lor'themar kindly. "Are... Are you ready for whatever tomorrow holds Lor'themar? I... I know that i am." Traxxius stated boldly. "Whatever the future holds can wait for now, good night friend, i will see you at the staging grounds inside of the keep tomorrow." Lor'themar said seeming as though he was in the perfect trance of relaxation. With that both the Elven leader and Traxxius went to sleep, dreading what might happen on the next day.
The zeppelin was nearing the Dark Portal, and Traxxius realized that they were way to high to actually go through the portal, but instead the captain pulled and lever and all of the sudden the zeppelin started going at a speed of around one hundred MMPS (Milli-meters per second), which most of you will realize is like insanely fast. In maybe a second or two the zeppelin flew over the Dark Portal and warped through time and space and all of a sudden the zeppelin popped out in the area known as Blades Edge Mountains. The zeppelin slowed way down as we approached the NetherStorm. "Alright folks, This is where you get off." The captain said over the intercom. "Wh-What? I thought we were going to land at Cosmowrench!" Traxxius questioned. "No. That would be impossible do to the high electro-magnetic fields that exist within the NetherStorm." Replied Lor'themar Theron. Instead we shall ride dragonhawks to Cosmowrench.
Lor'themar and i rode in front of the troop, and discussed battle plans. After awhile i decided to tell Lor'themar about my dream, to see if he could tell me what it meant. "Oh no. This isn't good at all!" was Lor'themar's response to me dreams. "Traxxius... You have a very close connection to the Earthmother. I believe she sent you that dream to warn you about our mission... i think we should just turn around now and let you get back to your business in Northrend." Lor'themar propositioned. "Not gonna happen, im in this now and nothing is gonna stop me from killing the Traitor King." Traxxius refused. A big grin crossed the face of Lor'themar Theron for a split second before he gave his last warning, "Traxxius, Hammer of the Earthmother, we are blessed to have a brave soul like you to help us. Alright just remember, there is no guarantee that we will survive this mission".
We landed and corralled our Dragonhawks in Cosmowrench. Just in case we would actually be coming back from this mission we would need these Dragonhawks to fly us over to the zeppelin landing site. "Well we have twenty-four hours before the initial team goes in to get a foothold into the keep, which of course means me." The elven leader spoke for the first time after his final warning to Traxxius. "About an hour after we breech the keep you are to report to the rendezvous point to meet up with the adventurers who have volunteered to join you." Lor'Themar continued. "Okay that means we have time to grab a few drinks at the pub then head back to the rental house for a little R&R before we have to go through with this mission." Traxxius replied trying to lighten the mood.
After a few drinks at the local inn we headed back to the rental house and got settled in. "I brought my best stuff for tonight man." Traxxius stated with a smirk on his face. "Haha, you never fail to surprise me young druid." Lor'themar replied returning the same smirk. Along with a few of the Silvermoon Army that Lor'themar brought for the initial ground taking team that hadnt gone off to bed, Traxxius and Lor'Themar did some real relaxing with the bag of Bruiseweed that Traxxius brought with him (Hey what can i say? this could have easily been the last night of my life, and after that strange dream i had i was pretty much convinced it would be) "Well, i can honestly say one thing friend... i wouldn't have spent my last night on Azeroth with anyone else, whether this is my last night or not." Stated Lor'themar kindly. "Are... Are you ready for whatever tomorrow holds Lor'themar? I... I know that i am." Traxxius stated boldly. "Whatever the future holds can wait for now, good night friend, i will see you at the staging grounds inside of the keep tomorrow." Lor'themar said seeming as though he was in the perfect trance of relaxation. With that both the Elven leader and Traxxius went to sleep, dreading what might happen on the next day.
~Manuscript from Traxxius' Journal pages 61-70~
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