Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Pilgrims Bounty!
Happy Pilgrims bounty one and all! this is the big boss DOL speaking for the entire team when i say i hope everyone has an amazing time today doing whatever their going to be doing, whether it be spending time with family and friends, to going out with that special someone to a one on one date. No matter how you spend your day today, i hope its magical, sooo have an amazing Pilgrims Bounty, and ill see you tomorrow for a emergency version of MarksManshipMondays
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
RANT: Tuesday maintence!
OMG! i go to log on to WoW and i see "Realms will be down from 3 am pst" and i think oh well at least im on EST +3 hours. and then i see "and until 11 am pst" and im like "WHHHAAAAATTTT!!!!!!! I CANT PLAY UNTIL 2 PM!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! OMFG!!!!" and then i cried a bit and then thought i would blog about it, leave me a comment saying what u do on tuesday downtime! Me personally i am going to read WoW comics and every single post ever published to AKA the WoW Insider! until next time Cya folks!
~Remember no matter how much time it will take out of your busy schedule, ALWAYS PUNT THE GOD DAMNED GNOME!~
Monday, November 15, 2010
Marksmanship Monday's!!!

Statement from da boss man!: Ladies and gentleman my name is Dawn of Light bringing you all sorts of cool stories (actually 1 cool story 1 fail story that i have given up on) Today is the beginning of a new era here at "The Darkest Hour". First things first, Nikki is DEAD, we will not be bringing her back up ever! Secondly i have returned to my homerealm of Trollbane - US. And now for the news on the new era of "The Darkest Hour". Traxxius stories will continue, but instead of practically all my posts being stories and shit like that, i will be posting class specific vids, tutorials, and general advice, in class specific segments on certain days, such as today is Marksmanship Monday. Today will be dedicated to Cryptonight (Another way of spelling Kriptonite, and it has my usual naming scheme in it of "Crypt" in the front) teaching us how to be a better MM hunter (PvE) and until 80/85 how he is leveling and coming along. Yes all these posts will be in character, i.e. first person.
Hello patrons of Azeroth alike, i am Cryptonight here givin ye the 411 about all things Marksmanship. Not any advice as i jus' started me journey. tellin ye i jus started me journey counts towards me progress levelin' wise. so for now remember to "Keep yer feet on the ground!" and until next time, this has been Cryptonight the Dwarf MM Hunter, and that be it for Marksmanship Mondays! Tune in next week!
**Edit 11/16/2010** Hey fellas its me Cryptonight again and i wanted to share everything i done since our first meet. Okay first things first, the top picture be me wit ol CoalPelt, well just like dat nikki chick, CoalPelt be dead now. i replaced him wit MangeClaw in da picture below, and i am not unsatisfied so far by MangeClaws abilitys, i tink me and him are gonna be good friends. I done did alot of favors and tasks for the good people of Dun Morogh, and have now been directed to loch modan, i managed to make it to the inn and take a picture with Ol MangeClaw while only havin 15 seconds before Blizzard pushed the red button to turn off the servers, sooo until next time this has been yer good friends and drinkin buddies Cryptonight, and MangeClaw!

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Nikki's Dairy
November 11, 2010
Hello readers this my name is Nikki. I live in a small secluded underground town know as Darkburrow, which is very close to the smaller above ground town of Aldrassil, both of which are in the area of Shadowglenn. Well about two years earlier i started practicing my Bow & Arrow skills, and now in the master marksman of Darkburrow, and possibly all of Shadowglenn. At about 8 am yesterday Darkburrow received a letter from Aldrassil asking for assistance. It wasn't very long before the elders confronted me, they told me i had to go and help them, as soon as the job, or jobs are finished i will be allowed to return home. So i prepared to leave.
The next day i said goodbye to my parents and all my friends with a promise of returning soon. As i was leaving the burrow i was maliciously attacked by a rogue furbolg. Before i knew it the damned thing had me pinned to the ground, and before i was able to even reach for my sword there was a white blur the headbutted my attacker and threw him off or me. As i struggled to sit up i noticed that my defender was in fact a white nightsaber with black stripes, a rare breed indeed. The nightsaber literally tore my attacker to shreds. After it was done with what i assumed was his meal, he came running towards me, before i even had time to react it was on top of me. Then the completely unexpected happened, instead of tearing me to shreds and eating me like it did to my previous attacker, it licked me. After a near death experience like that i was overjoyed that this nightsaber had no interest in killing me and i gave it a big hug, and it proceeded to lick my face. i ended the hug, got up, and pulled out one of the shiny red apples i brought for my trip and fed it to the nightsaber as a special treat for saving my life, even though it had just ate my attacker, it seemed to eat the apple like it had been starved for days. I laughed like never before at this creatures obvious love for eating gave it a pat on the head and started walking towards my destination. Once again to my surprise the wild nightsaber started following me. I didnt pay it any mind til i reached Shadowglenn and it was still following me. i turned around and thanked it again for coming to my rescue with another shiny red apple, once again he ate it with vigor. I told it it could go back home if it wanted to but it didnt budge. So i decided to just keep walking and i asked one of the locals to direct me to the man who i would be helping, and they pointed towards a elf named Conservator Ilthalaine. When i got there he explained that the population of the wild animals around Shadowglenn were getting out of control. After culling quite a few of the local wildlife i was sent to a dryad named Tarindrella who instructed me that a group of low level demons known as Grells and Grellkin were possibly under the corruption of a substance known as Fel Moss. After retrieving proof that the Grells and Grellkin were under the influence of this dangerous substance, Tarindrella sent me to visit with Gilshalan Windwalker and see if i could help further his research. When i found Gilshalan Windwalker he asked me if i could get him 10 Webwood Venom Sacs and i was happy to oblige. I went in search of a cave he had mentioned that was crawling with Webwood Spiders. On my way to the cave i ran into Dirania Silvershine who told me her friend who had set out to investigate the cave has been gone hours and has not sent word of his well being, she asked me to go find him and see if anything was wrong. Did i mention that the nightsaber that saved my life was still with me and helping me fight everything i had encountered so far and i hate to say it but i dont no if i would have been able to manage without him so far. So i approached the cave and heard a loud groan from a near passage in the mountains near the cave so me and my new friend the nightsaber went to investigate, and thus we found Iverron who told me that he didnt have much time and to get a antidote from Dirania Silvershine to cure the poison he contracted from a large Webwood Spider known as Githyiss the Vile. So with the help of my friend the nightsaber, i quickly grabbed the 10 Webwood Venom Sac i needed for Gilshalan Windwalker and ran quickly to Dirania Silvershine to get the antidote Iverron needed sadly she didnt have the ingredients for the antidote but told me where to get them, and instructed me to be swift do to my time constraints, so with the nightsaber in tow i ran to Gilshalan Windwalker and turned in the venom sacs, he told me to come see him as soon as he finishes studying the venom sacs. I grabbed all the ingredients, which required killing a spider and a few Grellkin to get. I got the ingredients back to Dirania Silvershine and she quickly whipped up some of Iverron Antidote and sent me off to Iverron with it and said he was probably almost dead by now and i needed to hurry. When i reached Iverron he was lying on the ground and i pretty much had to put the bottle to his mouth and pour it in. Iverron made a speedy recovery and thanked me for my help, i noticed him walking back towards Aldrassil in the opposite way. Me and my buddy walked back into Aldrassil and saw Dirania Silvershine speaking with Iverron. So i was going to go meet with the local hunter trainer to see if i could learn any new tricks from her and i got stopped by Gilshalan Windwalker who said he had completed his research of the venom sacs but now needed a Webwood Egg to finally complete his research on the Webwood Spiders. So i rushed up the tree and went to talk to Ayanna Everstride who taught me how to shoot a Steady Shot. I ran towards the cave killed my way through with my nightsaber to help, and found myself in front of the infamous Githyiss the Vile i quickly fired a Steady Shot at it and my buddy ran in to grab his attention, it was a smooth fight and eventually Githyiss the Vile was no more. I grabbed one of the eggs that he was gaurding and took off with the nightsaber right behind me towards Aldrassil. When i got the egg to Gilshalan Windwalker he couldnt stop thanking me for braving the cave that nearly killed Iverron and avenging his honor by killing that behemoth of a spider. He told me that while i was out i got a request from the leader of Aldrassil, Tenaron Stormgrip. When i got to him he gave me a request to fill up a phial full of water from a near moonwell. And so i did. I gave him the phial and he told me to take a sample of it over to his friend, a druid, in a settlement known as Dolanaar. So i set out with my new best friend right behind me to Dolanaar. Along the way we met a elf named Porthannius and he asked us if we could complete his delivery to Dolanaar if i was to be heading that way. So i accepted his burden and we made our way to Dolanaar.
When we got there i rushed to the Inn immediately to deliver the package and then headed outside to give the Druid his portion of the water from the moonwell in Aldrassil. After that we headed back into the Inn and rented a room for a one night stay.
Hello readers this my name is Nikki. I live in a small secluded underground town know as Darkburrow, which is very close to the smaller above ground town of Aldrassil, both of which are in the area of Shadowglenn. Well about two years earlier i started practicing my Bow & Arrow skills, and now in the master marksman of Darkburrow, and possibly all of Shadowglenn. At about 8 am yesterday Darkburrow received a letter from Aldrassil asking for assistance. It wasn't very long before the elders confronted me, they told me i had to go and help them, as soon as the job, or jobs are finished i will be allowed to return home. So i prepared to leave.
The next day i said goodbye to my parents and all my friends with a promise of returning soon. As i was leaving the burrow i was maliciously attacked by a rogue furbolg. Before i knew it the damned thing had me pinned to the ground, and before i was able to even reach for my sword there was a white blur the headbutted my attacker and threw him off or me. As i struggled to sit up i noticed that my defender was in fact a white nightsaber with black stripes, a rare breed indeed. The nightsaber literally tore my attacker to shreds. After it was done with what i assumed was his meal, he came running towards me, before i even had time to react it was on top of me. Then the completely unexpected happened, instead of tearing me to shreds and eating me like it did to my previous attacker, it licked me. After a near death experience like that i was overjoyed that this nightsaber had no interest in killing me and i gave it a big hug, and it proceeded to lick my face. i ended the hug, got up, and pulled out one of the shiny red apples i brought for my trip and fed it to the nightsaber as a special treat for saving my life, even though it had just ate my attacker, it seemed to eat the apple like it had been starved for days. I laughed like never before at this creatures obvious love for eating gave it a pat on the head and started walking towards my destination. Once again to my surprise the wild nightsaber started following me. I didnt pay it any mind til i reached Shadowglenn and it was still following me. i turned around and thanked it again for coming to my rescue with another shiny red apple, once again he ate it with vigor. I told it it could go back home if it wanted to but it didnt budge. So i decided to just keep walking and i asked one of the locals to direct me to the man who i would be helping, and they pointed towards a elf named Conservator Ilthalaine. When i got there he explained that the population of the wild animals around Shadowglenn were getting out of control. After culling quite a few of the local wildlife i was sent to a dryad named Tarindrella who instructed me that a group of low level demons known as Grells and Grellkin were possibly under the corruption of a substance known as Fel Moss. After retrieving proof that the Grells and Grellkin were under the influence of this dangerous substance, Tarindrella sent me to visit with Gilshalan Windwalker and see if i could help further his research. When i found Gilshalan Windwalker he asked me if i could get him 10 Webwood Venom Sacs and i was happy to oblige. I went in search of a cave he had mentioned that was crawling with Webwood Spiders. On my way to the cave i ran into Dirania Silvershine who told me her friend who had set out to investigate the cave has been gone hours and has not sent word of his well being, she asked me to go find him and see if anything was wrong. Did i mention that the nightsaber that saved my life was still with me and helping me fight everything i had encountered so far and i hate to say it but i dont no if i would have been able to manage without him so far. So i approached the cave and heard a loud groan from a near passage in the mountains near the cave so me and my new friend the nightsaber went to investigate, and thus we found Iverron who told me that he didnt have much time and to get a antidote from Dirania Silvershine to cure the poison he contracted from a large Webwood Spider known as Githyiss the Vile. So with the help of my friend the nightsaber, i quickly grabbed the 10 Webwood Venom Sac i needed for Gilshalan Windwalker and ran quickly to Dirania Silvershine to get the antidote Iverron needed sadly she didnt have the ingredients for the antidote but told me where to get them, and instructed me to be swift do to my time constraints, so with the nightsaber in tow i ran to Gilshalan Windwalker and turned in the venom sacs, he told me to come see him as soon as he finishes studying the venom sacs. I grabbed all the ingredients, which required killing a spider and a few Grellkin to get. I got the ingredients back to Dirania Silvershine and she quickly whipped up some of Iverron Antidote and sent me off to Iverron with it and said he was probably almost dead by now and i needed to hurry. When i reached Iverron he was lying on the ground and i pretty much had to put the bottle to his mouth and pour it in. Iverron made a speedy recovery and thanked me for my help, i noticed him walking back towards Aldrassil in the opposite way. Me and my buddy walked back into Aldrassil and saw Dirania Silvershine speaking with Iverron. So i was going to go meet with the local hunter trainer to see if i could learn any new tricks from her and i got stopped by Gilshalan Windwalker who said he had completed his research of the venom sacs but now needed a Webwood Egg to finally complete his research on the Webwood Spiders. So i rushed up the tree and went to talk to Ayanna Everstride who taught me how to shoot a Steady Shot. I ran towards the cave killed my way through with my nightsaber to help, and found myself in front of the infamous Githyiss the Vile i quickly fired a Steady Shot at it and my buddy ran in to grab his attention, it was a smooth fight and eventually Githyiss the Vile was no more. I grabbed one of the eggs that he was gaurding and took off with the nightsaber right behind me towards Aldrassil. When i got the egg to Gilshalan Windwalker he couldnt stop thanking me for braving the cave that nearly killed Iverron and avenging his honor by killing that behemoth of a spider. He told me that while i was out i got a request from the leader of Aldrassil, Tenaron Stormgrip. When i got to him he gave me a request to fill up a phial full of water from a near moonwell. And so i did. I gave him the phial and he told me to take a sample of it over to his friend, a druid, in a settlement known as Dolanaar. So i set out with my new best friend right behind me to Dolanaar. Along the way we met a elf named Porthannius and he asked us if we could complete his delivery to Dolanaar if i was to be heading that way. So i accepted his burden and we made our way to Dolanaar.
When we got there i rushed to the Inn immediately to deliver the package and then headed outside to give the Druid his portion of the water from the moonwell in Aldrassil. After that we headed back into the Inn and rented a room for a one night stay.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Traxxius Part 7
"GO QUICK!" a voice shouted. *BOOM* the sound of the explosion rang out. "*cough* Go Hammer of the Earthmother! Get to the traitor king quick before he gets away!" Said a dying blood elf. The sounds of men dying where coursing throughout the halls of Tempest Keep. "HAHAHAHAHA, you puny mortals believed you could just barge in here and kill me? HAHAHA! Now you will all parish for your sins against the Legion!" A loud voice shouted. *BOOOOOOM!!* Another explosion rang out and everything went black. "Traxxius! Wake up! Traxxius!" A voice called out. "Huh??!!??!" Traxxius shouted as he sprung up from the bed. "Traxxius, you've been asleep for the past 6 hours. We're about to cross into the Outlands, i just thought you would like to be awake for the rest of the journey." Spoke the Blood Elf leader Lor'themar Theron. "Oh, uh, yeah, okay im awake." Responded Traxxius.
The zeppelin was nearing the Dark Portal, and Traxxius realized that they were way to high to actually go through the portal, but instead the captain pulled and lever and all of the sudden the zeppelin started going at a speed of around one hundred MMPS (Milli-meters per second), which most of you will realize is like insanely fast. In maybe a second or two the zeppelin flew over the Dark Portal and warped through time and space and all of a sudden the zeppelin popped out in the area known as Blades Edge Mountains. The zeppelin slowed way down as we approached the NetherStorm. "Alright folks, This is where you get off." The captain said over the intercom. "Wh-What? I thought we were going to land at Cosmowrench!" Traxxius questioned. "No. That would be impossible do to the high electro-magnetic fields that exist within the NetherStorm." Replied Lor'themar Theron. Instead we shall ride dragonhawks to Cosmowrench.
Lor'themar and i rode in front of the troop, and discussed battle plans. After awhile i decided to tell Lor'themar about my dream, to see if he could tell me what it meant. "Oh no. This isn't good at all!" was Lor'themar's response to me dreams. "Traxxius... You have a very close connection to the Earthmother. I believe she sent you that dream to warn you about our mission... i think we should just turn around now and let you get back to your business in Northrend." Lor'themar propositioned. "Not gonna happen, im in this now and nothing is gonna stop me from killing the Traitor King." Traxxius refused. A big grin crossed the face of Lor'themar Theron for a split second before he gave his last warning, "Traxxius, Hammer of the Earthmother, we are blessed to have a brave soul like you to help us. Alright just remember, there is no guarantee that we will survive this mission".
We landed and corralled our Dragonhawks in Cosmowrench. Just in case we would actually be coming back from this mission we would need these Dragonhawks to fly us over to the zeppelin landing site. "Well we have twenty-four hours before the initial team goes in to get a foothold into the keep, which of course means me." The elven leader spoke for the first time after his final warning to Traxxius. "About an hour after we breech the keep you are to report to the rendezvous point to meet up with the adventurers who have volunteered to join you." Lor'Themar continued. "Okay that means we have time to grab a few drinks at the pub then head back to the rental house for a little R&R before we have to go through with this mission." Traxxius replied trying to lighten the mood.
After a few drinks at the local inn we headed back to the rental house and got settled in. "I brought my best stuff for tonight man." Traxxius stated with a smirk on his face. "Haha, you never fail to surprise me young druid." Lor'themar replied returning the same smirk. Along with a few of the Silvermoon Army that Lor'themar brought for the initial ground taking team that hadnt gone off to bed, Traxxius and Lor'Themar did some real relaxing with the bag of Bruiseweed that Traxxius brought with him (Hey what can i say? this could have easily been the last night of my life, and after that strange dream i had i was pretty much convinced it would be) "Well, i can honestly say one thing friend... i wouldn't have spent my last night on Azeroth with anyone else, whether this is my last night or not." Stated Lor'themar kindly. "Are... Are you ready for whatever tomorrow holds Lor'themar? I... I know that i am." Traxxius stated boldly. "Whatever the future holds can wait for now, good night friend, i will see you at the staging grounds inside of the keep tomorrow." Lor'themar said seeming as though he was in the perfect trance of relaxation. With that both the Elven leader and Traxxius went to sleep, dreading what might happen on the next day.
The zeppelin was nearing the Dark Portal, and Traxxius realized that they were way to high to actually go through the portal, but instead the captain pulled and lever and all of the sudden the zeppelin started going at a speed of around one hundred MMPS (Milli-meters per second), which most of you will realize is like insanely fast. In maybe a second or two the zeppelin flew over the Dark Portal and warped through time and space and all of a sudden the zeppelin popped out in the area known as Blades Edge Mountains. The zeppelin slowed way down as we approached the NetherStorm. "Alright folks, This is where you get off." The captain said over the intercom. "Wh-What? I thought we were going to land at Cosmowrench!" Traxxius questioned. "No. That would be impossible do to the high electro-magnetic fields that exist within the NetherStorm." Replied Lor'themar Theron. Instead we shall ride dragonhawks to Cosmowrench.
Lor'themar and i rode in front of the troop, and discussed battle plans. After awhile i decided to tell Lor'themar about my dream, to see if he could tell me what it meant. "Oh no. This isn't good at all!" was Lor'themar's response to me dreams. "Traxxius... You have a very close connection to the Earthmother. I believe she sent you that dream to warn you about our mission... i think we should just turn around now and let you get back to your business in Northrend." Lor'themar propositioned. "Not gonna happen, im in this now and nothing is gonna stop me from killing the Traitor King." Traxxius refused. A big grin crossed the face of Lor'themar Theron for a split second before he gave his last warning, "Traxxius, Hammer of the Earthmother, we are blessed to have a brave soul like you to help us. Alright just remember, there is no guarantee that we will survive this mission".
We landed and corralled our Dragonhawks in Cosmowrench. Just in case we would actually be coming back from this mission we would need these Dragonhawks to fly us over to the zeppelin landing site. "Well we have twenty-four hours before the initial team goes in to get a foothold into the keep, which of course means me." The elven leader spoke for the first time after his final warning to Traxxius. "About an hour after we breech the keep you are to report to the rendezvous point to meet up with the adventurers who have volunteered to join you." Lor'Themar continued. "Okay that means we have time to grab a few drinks at the pub then head back to the rental house for a little R&R before we have to go through with this mission." Traxxius replied trying to lighten the mood.
After a few drinks at the local inn we headed back to the rental house and got settled in. "I brought my best stuff for tonight man." Traxxius stated with a smirk on his face. "Haha, you never fail to surprise me young druid." Lor'themar replied returning the same smirk. Along with a few of the Silvermoon Army that Lor'themar brought for the initial ground taking team that hadnt gone off to bed, Traxxius and Lor'Themar did some real relaxing with the bag of Bruiseweed that Traxxius brought with him (Hey what can i say? this could have easily been the last night of my life, and after that strange dream i had i was pretty much convinced it would be) "Well, i can honestly say one thing friend... i wouldn't have spent my last night on Azeroth with anyone else, whether this is my last night or not." Stated Lor'themar kindly. "Are... Are you ready for whatever tomorrow holds Lor'themar? I... I know that i am." Traxxius stated boldly. "Whatever the future holds can wait for now, good night friend, i will see you at the staging grounds inside of the keep tomorrow." Lor'themar said seeming as though he was in the perfect trance of relaxation. With that both the Elven leader and Traxxius went to sleep, dreading what might happen on the next day.
~Manuscript from Traxxius' Journal pages 61-70~
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Traxxius part 6
I woke up in a daze and realized i only had an hour to get the crates, so i instantly hoped up and put some clothes on, grabbed my warhammer, and took off. It took me about two minutes to find the first crate and realize that the alliance hadn't stolen the crates for personal use, they took them to keep them from the Horde. I had actually thought that i would have to sneak into an Alliance encampment and steal them back. Well i was running around picking up these crates when a hasty Blood Elf ran into me knocking me down. He helped me up, and I instantly knew who it was. "Lor'Themar Theron! What are you doing in Northrend?" I exclaimed, bewildered at the fact he was here. "I'm looking for you Traxxius, Hammer of the Earthmother! And what in the Light's name are you doing with those" He said, pointing at the crates of plague. "Why are you looking for me? Oh and these arent mine, im collecting them for some Forsaken guy back at Vengeance landing." I responded. "Well are you done? Because i need to talk to you. I... Well we need your help." He stated.
We grabbed the last crate and made our way back to Vengeance Landing, i gave Lysander the crates, and Lor'themar and i made our way to the nearest Inn to talk in peace. "Traxxius, we don't have much time. Look, remember when we met and i told you i was the acting king of my people, and that our true leader is in the Outlands? Well, our "true" Leader has betrayed us and we need your help to stop him!" Lor'themar explained. "Why do you need my help?" i asked. "Traxxius, Commander Nazgrel told me of your triumphs in the Outlands, i listened with great awe as he explained to me that you were part of the group that took down the Doom Lord, in Hellfire Peninsula. After he told me all this i realized we needed you to help us with the betrayer in the NetherStorm." He explained. "Okay, but you still haven't explained exactly HOW he betrayed you Lor'Themar." I stated prodding at him for more information. "He joined Illidin Stormrage in the Outlands, he and all of his followers are members of the legion now." The Elven Prince responded. "Oh by the Earthmother! he must be stopped!" I was to quick to let the words escape my mouth. "Exactly, and you are going to be one of the brave few who will take him down!" He said swiftly. "I... but... i..." I stumbled over the words. "I... I thought i had work to do here in Northrend!" I tried to convince him out of trying to make me kill the Elven betrayer. "Yes, Hammer of the Earthmother, you do have work to do here, but... There is something that must be done in the outlands and you will be the key member of the group that does exactly that, but do not fret, friend, i will not be just laying back and waiting for the news as a matter as a fact i will be in a group that will fight their way into the keep to establish a foothold for you and your friends to take breaks as you make your way into the keep." He rambled on, and obviously read my memory as i did believe that he was just gonna sit back and wait for the news of Kel'Thas' death. well eventually after a few honeymint teas and maybe a little bruiseweed (No im just kidding! Note to self: You should NEVER smoke bruiseweed in public, everyone is all over you asking for some...) i finally agreed to go back to that blasted westeland of a place. So Lor'themar had me thrown on a zepplin on the very next day. it was a very long flight and as much as i tried i could not sleep do to the fact that my anxiousness of what was about to happen i had an image of this blood elf man dressed in a red robe with burning red eyes in my head.
We grabbed the last crate and made our way back to Vengeance Landing, i gave Lysander the crates, and Lor'themar and i made our way to the nearest Inn to talk in peace. "Traxxius, we don't have much time. Look, remember when we met and i told you i was the acting king of my people, and that our true leader is in the Outlands? Well, our "true" Leader has betrayed us and we need your help to stop him!" Lor'themar explained. "Why do you need my help?" i asked. "Traxxius, Commander Nazgrel told me of your triumphs in the Outlands, i listened with great awe as he explained to me that you were part of the group that took down the Doom Lord, in Hellfire Peninsula. After he told me all this i realized we needed you to help us with the betrayer in the NetherStorm." He explained. "Okay, but you still haven't explained exactly HOW he betrayed you Lor'Themar." I stated prodding at him for more information. "He joined Illidin Stormrage in the Outlands, he and all of his followers are members of the legion now." The Elven Prince responded. "Oh by the Earthmother! he must be stopped!" I was to quick to let the words escape my mouth. "Exactly, and you are going to be one of the brave few who will take him down!" He said swiftly. "I... but... i..." I stumbled over the words. "I... I thought i had work to do here in Northrend!" I tried to convince him out of trying to make me kill the Elven betrayer. "Yes, Hammer of the Earthmother, you do have work to do here, but... There is something that must be done in the outlands and you will be the key member of the group that does exactly that, but do not fret, friend, i will not be just laying back and waiting for the news as a matter as a fact i will be in a group that will fight their way into the keep to establish a foothold for you and your friends to take breaks as you make your way into the keep." He rambled on, and obviously read my memory as i did believe that he was just gonna sit back and wait for the news of Kel'Thas' death. well eventually after a few honeymint teas and maybe a little bruiseweed (No im just kidding! Note to self: You should NEVER smoke bruiseweed in public, everyone is all over you asking for some...) i finally agreed to go back to that blasted westeland of a place. So Lor'themar had me thrown on a zepplin on the very next day. it was a very long flight and as much as i tried i could not sleep do to the fact that my anxiousness of what was about to happen i had an image of this blood elf man dressed in a red robe with burning red eyes in my head.
~Manuscript from Traxxius' Journal pages 51-60~
P.S. Comment on the story or dont bother coming back to this site ever again! :P
Friday, June 11, 2010
Traxxius Part 5
As i re-entered Thrallmar i was overwhelmed by the shouts of praise and celebration, i quickly made my way through the crowd to Nazgrel. "Welcome back, Hammer of the Earthmother! You know... You are quite the hero nowadays, so what do ya say to coming back with me to my quarters and sharing a few brews with the Commander himself in Celebration?" Nazgrel asked. I thought about it for a mere second until i said, "Sure!".
We stayed in Nazgrel's little house for hours, he told me when i got there that he had a special brew he had been saving for a long time now. When he showed me i had no idea that he'd have eight GIANT barrels of it, he called it Thunderbrew. He also said he got it when he and a few others raided a dwarven cartel that was bringing this stuff to one of their local inns.
After awhile it was time to put the brew up, (with only a barrel and a half left...) and get to the real reason i was here. "Nazgrel... hic! why did you intvitee me heer?" I asked in a drunken stumble. "You no me well, *odd laughing from Nazgrel, the kind you would here from someone who had just smoked some bruiseweed* i itviteed you... hic! Over heer so i could send somewhere... hic! i cant for the lfie of my remeber." Nazgrel replied obviously drunk as hell, and couldnt even talk right. He fell asleep three minutes later, i threw a cover over him and got into his bed (SCORE! first sleep in a bed in weeks) considering he was on the couch.
The next day when the commander woke up i cured his hangover with some of my druid magic, and asked him about where he was planning to send me over our morning cup of Moonberry Juice. "Oh yeah, okay we need people here in Outlands... but... we have received terrible news... The Lich King, Arthas Menethil III, has re-awoken." Nazgrel paused to see the look on my face. He then told me i needed to go to Northrend immediately. He said that preparations had been made and i would have a private zeppelin waiting for me tomorrow. I grunted "Hrmm, you guys never heard of a day off... Have you?". Nazgrel laughed and said "In due time Hammer of the Earthmother!" "But things are going wrong with the world right now. We need your help!" he continued.
The next day the zeppelin woke me up to a loud horn. To my surprise, unlike the traditional zeppelin, for one, it was not piloted by goblins, instead they were orcs. Or two orcs (He did say it was a private zeppelin), and it looked like a much smaller version of a regular zeppelin, and it had headlights. I boarded the zeppelin, and went into the area near the bottom which was ALWAYS a staircase and a little balcony that i usually look down on. BUT this time it was different, there was a bed, a mini-fridge (Stocked with Honeymint Tea, MY FAVORITE!) and Mulgore Spice Bread (NOM! reminds me or home) and Zangar caps! It's like they actually asked me what i wanted! A King-sized bed, and the first print of Azeroth Today (Thats right! not a copy, the first print!), which is my favorite magazine EVER! So i ate, and read, drink and ate, and read, and finally fell asleep.
Later that night around three a.m. I awoke to the orcs telling me we had stopped in the Howling Fjord. Vengeance Landing, to be exact. i got up, ran-sacked the mini-fridge, and then got off the zeppelin. As i walked out i saw amazing sights of the new buildings and defenses that were set up by the Forsaken. When i came to this spot ten years ago with my dad, this was a small outpost known as Warsong Landing. When i got down from the skytower, i was greeted by Dark Ranger Lyana. She told me to go and speak with Apothecary Lysander, and see what he has for me to do.
I walked up to Lysander and he told me about this "New Plague" he was working on. I was shocked and took it as a sign of betrayal at first, until he explained it was called "The NEW Plague" for a reason, he said it would not harm the living but instead would obliterate all the undead within a 100- yard radius.
He needed me to recover 10 INTACT plague crates that the alliance had intercepted. He gave me until three p.m. to get them to him so i went to sleep.
We stayed in Nazgrel's little house for hours, he told me when i got there that he had a special brew he had been saving for a long time now. When he showed me i had no idea that he'd have eight GIANT barrels of it, he called it Thunderbrew. He also said he got it when he and a few others raided a dwarven cartel that was bringing this stuff to one of their local inns.
After awhile it was time to put the brew up, (with only a barrel and a half left...) and get to the real reason i was here. "Nazgrel... hic! why did you intvitee me heer?" I asked in a drunken stumble. "You no me well, *odd laughing from Nazgrel, the kind you would here from someone who had just smoked some bruiseweed* i itviteed you... hic! Over heer so i could send somewhere... hic! i cant for the lfie of my remeber." Nazgrel replied obviously drunk as hell, and couldnt even talk right. He fell asleep three minutes later, i threw a cover over him and got into his bed (SCORE! first sleep in a bed in weeks) considering he was on the couch.
The next day when the commander woke up i cured his hangover with some of my druid magic, and asked him about where he was planning to send me over our morning cup of Moonberry Juice. "Oh yeah, okay we need people here in Outlands... but... we have received terrible news... The Lich King, Arthas Menethil III, has re-awoken." Nazgrel paused to see the look on my face. He then told me i needed to go to Northrend immediately. He said that preparations had been made and i would have a private zeppelin waiting for me tomorrow. I grunted "Hrmm, you guys never heard of a day off... Have you?". Nazgrel laughed and said "In due time Hammer of the Earthmother!" "But things are going wrong with the world right now. We need your help!" he continued.
The next day the zeppelin woke me up to a loud horn. To my surprise, unlike the traditional zeppelin, for one, it was not piloted by goblins, instead they were orcs. Or two orcs (He did say it was a private zeppelin), and it looked like a much smaller version of a regular zeppelin, and it had headlights. I boarded the zeppelin, and went into the area near the bottom which was ALWAYS a staircase and a little balcony that i usually look down on. BUT this time it was different, there was a bed, a mini-fridge (Stocked with Honeymint Tea, MY FAVORITE!) and Mulgore Spice Bread (NOM! reminds me or home) and Zangar caps! It's like they actually asked me what i wanted! A King-sized bed, and the first print of Azeroth Today (Thats right! not a copy, the first print!), which is my favorite magazine EVER! So i ate, and read, drink and ate, and read, and finally fell asleep.
Later that night around three a.m. I awoke to the orcs telling me we had stopped in the Howling Fjord. Vengeance Landing, to be exact. i got up, ran-sacked the mini-fridge, and then got off the zeppelin. As i walked out i saw amazing sights of the new buildings and defenses that were set up by the Forsaken. When i came to this spot ten years ago with my dad, this was a small outpost known as Warsong Landing. When i got down from the skytower, i was greeted by Dark Ranger Lyana. She told me to go and speak with Apothecary Lysander, and see what he has for me to do.
I walked up to Lysander and he told me about this "New Plague" he was working on. I was shocked and took it as a sign of betrayal at first, until he explained it was called "The NEW Plague" for a reason, he said it would not harm the living but instead would obliterate all the undead within a 100- yard radius.
He needed me to recover 10 INTACT plague crates that the alliance had intercepted. He gave me until three p.m. to get them to him so i went to sleep.
~Manuscript for Traxxius' Journel Pages 41-50~
Gurzan, and Echeloned WoW

Ok today im posting about my mage, Gurzan on the Echeloned WoW private server, Echeloned has a realm called Avari, it is probably the closest thing you will get to Retail servers if u dont play Retail but want to play a private server for free that is just like Retail. Okay, if you play want to play echeloned go to and then create an account then set ur realmlist, THEN, create a HORDE!!! then goto /who and type in The Ghosts
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hammer of the Earthmother
in Traxxius Part 4, You will see Traxxius referred to as the "Hammer of the Earthmother". This will be explained after the backstory AKA the Traxxius stories pages 1-120, have been published i will write another story explaining how he got this title, and from now on a lot of the NPCs will be referring to him by this nickname, and if you dont like that, then BITE IT BIOTCH!!!!!!!!
(now my official signature for non-traxxius story posts.)
(now my official signature for non-traxxius story posts.)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Traxxius Part 4
"Welcome back, Traxxius!" The commander shouted as i walked back into the camp. "Hello, Commander!" I replied. "Well, you have done well, Hammer of the Earthmother! But i am afraid our attention in the Hellfire Peninsula has been redirected from the Fel Orcs, to the abhorrent Doom Lord Kazzak, He is a Ered'ruin Doomgaurd, who currently resides in the Throne of Kil'jaeden. You must find and annihilate him. Since i felt as though it was wrong to send you with a group, without your permission, this time im telling you, you will be with a group. This is a dangerous task, therefore i refuse to send you there alone." The commander briefed. "I understand." I replied shortly, unhappy that i would be stuck with others again. "Well, Hammer of the Earthmother, You had better get going, the rest of your group is there waiting for you, i pray they don't start the fight without you."
The commander and i said our goodbyes and then i set off on my Nether Drake mount. It was so peculiar how a Ered'ruin doomguard, especially one as huge and terrifying as the one Nazgrel had described, had slipped my sight, as i had patrolled the Throne of Kil'jaeden, over fifty times. When i arrived the group was discussing strategy. The was an Orc Warrior, oddly named Drockdam... Another Tauren druid, again with an odd name... Quip... And another Orc Warrior named Matticus, which is a human name... These were also a bunch of free willed adventurers. "Oh, are you Traxxius, the one Nazgrel described as the, Hammer of the Earthmother?" The Orc warrior named Drockdam questioned. "Yes." I stated. the Warrior continued the talk about strategy, but after i heard my role i pretty much just zoned out till we got going, and thought of my own strategy, which would be easy considering i would be in cat form the entire time.
"Okay, lets go!" Drockdam shouted. I couldn't help but think about the fact that i had been reduced to following orders from a free-willed adventurer, ughh, it was horrendous! Anyway, we walked and plowed our way through various fire elementals and demons. Until i saw what Nazgrel was talking about... I mean this demon, monstrosity, thing! Was a complete giant, and also extremely intimidating! I was surprised, and almost impressed at the fact that these adventurers didn't cut and run the second they saw him. Since there were only two druids and two warriors, we couldn't do much about buffs, but we made due with what we had.
"Invaders, you dangle upon the precipice of oblivion! The Burning Legion comes and with it comes your end!" Kazzak screamed as Drockdam started the fight. I quickly switched to cat form and started destroying his health pool with my "kitty" claws, just something i like to call em, even though they're actually lion claws, ha ha! Everything was going fine, for the most part, but all of the sudden, Kazzak shot out an extremely long ranged volley of shadowbolts, which caught us all off guard, and caused the healer to jump to the ground in a cower, WAIT THAT'S MY MOVE! NO FAIR! (eh eh eh). I went other and knocked him around a bit till he got up and got back to healing Drockdam, who was just on the brink of death. But, that wasn't all Kazzak had in store for us. After about three more Shadowbolt Volleys, he casted a special De-buff on the other druid. "You now bare the Mark of Kazzak, puny druid!" Kazzak shouted, planting the De-buff called 'Mark of Kazzak' on the druid. This De-buff started draining the druids mana, and fast, and i had a bad felling about what would happen if his mana was allowed to reach zero. So i casted my Innervate spell on him, and boy i couldn't have been more right considering Kazzak grunted in discontent when i did so.
But that wasn't the last on Kazzak's un-welcomed surprises. Next he casted a De-buff called 'Twisted Reflection' on me! He then used his 'Cleave' ability which hit me for eight-thousand damage, and unbelievably healed Kazzak for twenty-five thousand health! I quickly realized, because of a content grunt from Kazzak, that his 'Twisted Reflection' ability had caused him to regenerate health when he damaged me. So needless to say i stood behind him to ensure that the cleave didn't hit me again. But that didn't stop his shadowbolt volley from hitting me... which hurt a lot... and helped him a lot... after the 'Twisted reflection' wore off, i went back on the full offensive procedure. But eventually something fudged up the plan again... Kazzak enraged! He immediately sent out 6 rounds of shadowbolt volleys. nearly killing everyone, we'll nearly killing Drockdam, quip and i, but it actually did kill Matticus... another fatality... god i must be bad luck or something!
Well after that enrage we sped up the pace, A LOT, and the Doom Lord was almost down. It took me awhile to realize that Quip had the 'Mark of Kazzak' on him again. And apparently, Quip didn't realize it either, luckily i caught it just in time to use Innervate on him again. Kazzak was almost down when he called for assistance, and in a moment we were surrounded by at least fifty Ered'ruin Doomguards. I told Drockdam to keep attacking Kazzak, while i switched to bear form and picked them all up, good thing quip was able to handle switching back and forth between me and Drockdam, otherwise, i would not be recording this right now. I eventually got all the demons down, and switched back to cat form, and turned back on Kazzak, just in time, as Drockdam delivered the final blow. "BACK TO HELL WITH YOU, DEMON! THE SOULS YOU'VE CONSUMED, THE FAMILIES YOU'VE DESTROYED, TODAY THEY ARE AVENGED!" He shouted, and threw his axe into the air right at Kazzak's head, the axe landed perfectly, and stuck into his head. "The Legion... will never... fall." Kazzak rasped as he died.
The commander and i said our goodbyes and then i set off on my Nether Drake mount. It was so peculiar how a Ered'ruin doomguard, especially one as huge and terrifying as the one Nazgrel had described, had slipped my sight, as i had patrolled the Throne of Kil'jaeden, over fifty times. When i arrived the group was discussing strategy. The was an Orc Warrior, oddly named Drockdam... Another Tauren druid, again with an odd name... Quip... And another Orc Warrior named Matticus, which is a human name... These were also a bunch of free willed adventurers. "Oh, are you Traxxius, the one Nazgrel described as the, Hammer of the Earthmother?" The Orc warrior named Drockdam questioned. "Yes." I stated. the Warrior continued the talk about strategy, but after i heard my role i pretty much just zoned out till we got going, and thought of my own strategy, which would be easy considering i would be in cat form the entire time.
"Okay, lets go!" Drockdam shouted. I couldn't help but think about the fact that i had been reduced to following orders from a free-willed adventurer, ughh, it was horrendous! Anyway, we walked and plowed our way through various fire elementals and demons. Until i saw what Nazgrel was talking about... I mean this demon, monstrosity, thing! Was a complete giant, and also extremely intimidating! I was surprised, and almost impressed at the fact that these adventurers didn't cut and run the second they saw him. Since there were only two druids and two warriors, we couldn't do much about buffs, but we made due with what we had.
"Invaders, you dangle upon the precipice of oblivion! The Burning Legion comes and with it comes your end!" Kazzak screamed as Drockdam started the fight. I quickly switched to cat form and started destroying his health pool with my "kitty" claws, just something i like to call em, even though they're actually lion claws, ha ha! Everything was going fine, for the most part, but all of the sudden, Kazzak shot out an extremely long ranged volley of shadowbolts, which caught us all off guard, and caused the healer to jump to the ground in a cower, WAIT THAT'S MY MOVE! NO FAIR! (eh eh eh). I went other and knocked him around a bit till he got up and got back to healing Drockdam, who was just on the brink of death. But, that wasn't all Kazzak had in store for us. After about three more Shadowbolt Volleys, he casted a special De-buff on the other druid. "You now bare the Mark of Kazzak, puny druid!" Kazzak shouted, planting the De-buff called 'Mark of Kazzak' on the druid. This De-buff started draining the druids mana, and fast, and i had a bad felling about what would happen if his mana was allowed to reach zero. So i casted my Innervate spell on him, and boy i couldn't have been more right considering Kazzak grunted in discontent when i did so.
But that wasn't the last on Kazzak's un-welcomed surprises. Next he casted a De-buff called 'Twisted Reflection' on me! He then used his 'Cleave' ability which hit me for eight-thousand damage, and unbelievably healed Kazzak for twenty-five thousand health! I quickly realized, because of a content grunt from Kazzak, that his 'Twisted Reflection' ability had caused him to regenerate health when he damaged me. So needless to say i stood behind him to ensure that the cleave didn't hit me again. But that didn't stop his shadowbolt volley from hitting me... which hurt a lot... and helped him a lot... after the 'Twisted reflection' wore off, i went back on the full offensive procedure. But eventually something fudged up the plan again... Kazzak enraged! He immediately sent out 6 rounds of shadowbolt volleys. nearly killing everyone, we'll nearly killing Drockdam, quip and i, but it actually did kill Matticus... another fatality... god i must be bad luck or something!
Well after that enrage we sped up the pace, A LOT, and the Doom Lord was almost down. It took me awhile to realize that Quip had the 'Mark of Kazzak' on him again. And apparently, Quip didn't realize it either, luckily i caught it just in time to use Innervate on him again. Kazzak was almost down when he called for assistance, and in a moment we were surrounded by at least fifty Ered'ruin Doomguards. I told Drockdam to keep attacking Kazzak, while i switched to bear form and picked them all up, good thing quip was able to handle switching back and forth between me and Drockdam, otherwise, i would not be recording this right now. I eventually got all the demons down, and switched back to cat form, and turned back on Kazzak, just in time, as Drockdam delivered the final blow. "BACK TO HELL WITH YOU, DEMON! THE SOULS YOU'VE CONSUMED, THE FAMILIES YOU'VE DESTROYED, TODAY THEY ARE AVENGED!" He shouted, and threw his axe into the air right at Kazzak's head, the axe landed perfectly, and stuck into his head. "The Legion... will never... fall." Kazzak rasped as he died.
~Manuscript from Traxxius' Journal Pages 31-40~
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Traxxius part 3
I was in Hellfire Citidale, unknowingly the Commander had arranged for me to be in a group of four others, free willed adventurers. There was an Orc Warrior, an Undead Mage, A Troll Hunter, And a Orc Shaman, a average group, but the question was, why did the commander think i needed them? I had handled missions like this on my own before! While the thought of anyone thinking i needed help was enraging, i didnt say anything to the group.
After a few minutes we were buffed up, and ready to go. Everything was running smoothly, the red skinned orcs were dropping, and fast until we came up to a real challenge, Watchkeeper Gargolmar. We wait for him to get clear of the other orcs, and then we attacked. "What do we have here?" the Orc Taunted. Out of nowhere, two Fel Orc Sentries appeared, The warrior wasn't expecting them and was fatally caught off gaurd, so i switched to bear form and grabbed their attention. It took awhile, but like those before him, he dropped to the ground, dead.
We continued through the Ramparts until we stumbled upon an open area, but through a closer look, courtesy of the hunter, we saw a... well what looked like an Ered'Ruin Doomguard, but he was horribly mutated and discolored. The mage told us this creature, well freak, was the infamous Omor the Unscarred, a major member of the legion and one of the Overseers of the Fel Orcs, he also told us we should rest up, because we were in for one hell of a fight! But we were spotted, because the mage was trying to cast a protection spell on me, and he was able to sense the magic being used. "Haha! I see you over there! Pathetic mortals! Come, and die!" The demon shouted. Within a nanosecond i felt as if something was tugging on my very soul, and in an instant we were standing right infront of him! "Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde!" We all shouted in unison. I was able to capture his attention, and keep it that way. The mage was casting frostbolt after frostbolt, maybe he threw in a pyroblast or two, but i wasent paying much attention to him. I was utilizing all of my abilities, the hunter was doing fine, well until he shot a Multi-shot which Omor saw, needless to say the demon used its power to deflect the shot, and split it into two shots, sending it them, and hitting the hunter and his pet. They were both killed instantly. After awhile the three man team of me, the shaman, and the mage, brought the demon down. We searched his body for any spoils of war, and found a staff that was perfect for the shaman and a leather chestgaurd that worked perfectly for me. To bad the mage didn't get anything, even though, he didn't seem to mind.
After a few minutes we were buffed up, and ready to go. Everything was running smoothly, the red skinned orcs were dropping, and fast until we came up to a real challenge, Watchkeeper Gargolmar. We wait for him to get clear of the other orcs, and then we attacked. "What do we have here?" the Orc Taunted. Out of nowhere, two Fel Orc Sentries appeared, The warrior wasn't expecting them and was fatally caught off gaurd, so i switched to bear form and grabbed their attention. It took awhile, but like those before him, he dropped to the ground, dead.
We continued through the Ramparts until we stumbled upon an open area, but through a closer look, courtesy of the hunter, we saw a... well what looked like an Ered'Ruin Doomguard, but he was horribly mutated and discolored. The mage told us this creature, well freak, was the infamous Omor the Unscarred, a major member of the legion and one of the Overseers of the Fel Orcs, he also told us we should rest up, because we were in for one hell of a fight! But we were spotted, because the mage was trying to cast a protection spell on me, and he was able to sense the magic being used. "Haha! I see you over there! Pathetic mortals! Come, and die!" The demon shouted. Within a nanosecond i felt as if something was tugging on my very soul, and in an instant we were standing right infront of him! "Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde!" We all shouted in unison. I was able to capture his attention, and keep it that way. The mage was casting frostbolt after frostbolt, maybe he threw in a pyroblast or two, but i wasent paying much attention to him. I was utilizing all of my abilities, the hunter was doing fine, well until he shot a Multi-shot which Omor saw, needless to say the demon used its power to deflect the shot, and split it into two shots, sending it them, and hitting the hunter and his pet. They were both killed instantly. After awhile the three man team of me, the shaman, and the mage, brought the demon down. We searched his body for any spoils of war, and found a staff that was perfect for the shaman and a leather chestgaurd that worked perfectly for me. To bad the mage didn't get anything, even though, he didn't seem to mind.
We continued, Dropping orc after orc. We finally got to the leader of the Hellfire ramparts after another fifteen minutes of killing fel orcs. The bugger was riding a dragon... How the hell are we supposed to take that out? Of course we found out that we actually didn't have to. Vazruden spotted us standing on his platform and took it as the challenge it was, i gotta give him props though, he didn't wimp out and throw stuff at us while he was riding the dragon, but instead he jumped off and took us on face to face. Of course i grabbed his attention, and kept it that way. The mage started of this fight in a highly offensive manner, as in Fireblast, pyroblast,
and fireballs, along with the ever powerful Arcane Blast, and Arcane Missiles. Needless to say i was proud of the him. The shammy, just casting those heals at me like there was no tomorrow. We were actually doing pretty good... Well... You know... Until the mage wasn't watching where he stepped and walked right into a patch of fire. Of course, he didn't survive, I was paying to much attention to the flaming mage that Vazruden was able to knock me on the head, pretty much unconscious, and praise be to the Earthmother, for the shaman, who was able to cast a special healing spell and give me back my consciousness, but thats not all, he also casted a vengence spell, which literally ripped Vazruden in half.
I thought we were done here, but sure enough Vazruden's dragon, Nazan, Landed, and attacked. The dragon went down fast, and without giving any fatal injuries to me, or the shaman. When the fight was done with i turned to the shaman and said "Thank you brother. Your assistance here will not quickly be forgotten, nor will the sacrifice of our companions". The shaman just nodded his head and teleported away.
When i got back from the Ramparts, i checked in with Nazgrel, apparently, he had another mission for me...
and fireballs, along with the ever powerful Arcane Blast, and Arcane Missiles. Needless to say i was proud of the him. The shammy, just casting those heals at me like there was no tomorrow. We were actually doing pretty good... Well... You know... Until the mage wasn't watching where he stepped and walked right into a patch of fire. Of course, he didn't survive, I was paying to much attention to the flaming mage that Vazruden was able to knock me on the head, pretty much unconscious, and praise be to the Earthmother, for the shaman, who was able to cast a special healing spell and give me back my consciousness, but thats not all, he also casted a vengence spell, which literally ripped Vazruden in half.
I thought we were done here, but sure enough Vazruden's dragon, Nazan, Landed, and attacked. The dragon went down fast, and without giving any fatal injuries to me, or the shaman. When the fight was done with i turned to the shaman and said "Thank you brother. Your assistance here will not quickly be forgotten, nor will the sacrifice of our companions". The shaman just nodded his head and teleported away.
When i got back from the Ramparts, i checked in with Nazgrel, apparently, he had another mission for me...
~Manuscript from Traxxius' Journal, Pages 21-30~
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Site update
Update, go to and go to the navigation bar and then click "Blog" and there is Traxxius storys part 1&2
Traxxius story 2
The next day i woke up in The Cleft of Shadows in Orgimmar, i quickly found Thrall, and the Blood Elf, in the next two rooms over. They were awake, actually waiting for me. "Good morning, Traxxius!" Thrall spoke, now that we were all in one room. "Good morning to you too, Warchief!" I replied. "Good morning gracious Tauren" The Elf spoke uneasily. "Ahh, Call me Traxxius, please! Oh and i don't see you and the rest of your race as an asset, but i had to say that, or the rest of the hord---" I was cut off. "No, no i understand completely by the way, my name is Lor'themar Theron." The elf proclaimed. "Well, i am pleased to finally meet you, Lor'themar, well meet you formally." I replied. "Okay, can the formalities! We have work to do!" Thrall commanded.
"Okay, Warchief, What is it?" i responded. "Well first off, you have a mission." Thrall delivered the news. "This is the reason i was looking for you, i need you to go to the Hellfire Peninsula, and investigate the presence of Fel Orcs there." Thrall continued. "Commander Nazgrel will be there to instruct you further, as a matter as a fact you should probably report to him before you do anything." Thrall commanded. "Lor'themar and i will be setting up connections, and trade, and other things between his capital city Silvermoon, and Orgrimmar." Thrall proclaimed, obviously excited about this new alliance. "Before we go, allow me to teleport you to Thrallmar, it's the least i could do, since you are the whole reason my race is allowed to be a part of the Horde." Lor'themar suggested, obviously feeling as though he owed me something. "Well, You don't have to but... im not stopping you" I replied implying that he didn't owe me anything at all. "Just let me do this for you" Lor'themar said, almost begging. "Okay, sure." i responded, happy with the fact that i wasn't gonna have to walk so far.
In a moment i was standing in Thrallmar, right in front of Commander Nazgrel. "Hello?" i spoke to the Commander. "Hello, young druid. You have much to learn about the Legion, they make their advances on us as we sit here and talk. So why have you come here druid?" the Commander questioned. "I am on a mission from the Warchief, yes Thrall himself has sent me here." I responded. "On, what matter?" Nazgrel replied. "I was sent here to investigate the Fel Orcs, he told me to report to you." i replied unknowing of what was to come next. "Lok'tar Ogar friend! You must be the one who brought the great Blood elves to the Horde, you are in the greatest debt of everyone here! The Blood Elves have been a major help ever since! For instance they own a majority of the outposts here in Hellfire, and they own almost half of the Netherstorm, meaning it's a lot easier to do what we need to do to combat the Legion there!" The Commander babbled. "Well, thank you." i replied.
"Well, anyway if you wish to investigate the Fel Orcs you might as well start in Hellfire citadale, more specifically, The Hellfire Ramparts."
"Okay, Warchief, What is it?" i responded. "Well first off, you have a mission." Thrall delivered the news. "This is the reason i was looking for you, i need you to go to the Hellfire Peninsula, and investigate the presence of Fel Orcs there." Thrall continued. "Commander Nazgrel will be there to instruct you further, as a matter as a fact you should probably report to him before you do anything." Thrall commanded. "Lor'themar and i will be setting up connections, and trade, and other things between his capital city Silvermoon, and Orgrimmar." Thrall proclaimed, obviously excited about this new alliance. "Before we go, allow me to teleport you to Thrallmar, it's the least i could do, since you are the whole reason my race is allowed to be a part of the Horde." Lor'themar suggested, obviously feeling as though he owed me something. "Well, You don't have to but... im not stopping you" I replied implying that he didn't owe me anything at all. "Just let me do this for you" Lor'themar said, almost begging. "Okay, sure." i responded, happy with the fact that i wasn't gonna have to walk so far.
In a moment i was standing in Thrallmar, right in front of Commander Nazgrel. "Hello?" i spoke to the Commander. "Hello, young druid. You have much to learn about the Legion, they make their advances on us as we sit here and talk. So why have you come here druid?" the Commander questioned. "I am on a mission from the Warchief, yes Thrall himself has sent me here." I responded. "On, what matter?" Nazgrel replied. "I was sent here to investigate the Fel Orcs, he told me to report to you." i replied unknowing of what was to come next. "Lok'tar Ogar friend! You must be the one who brought the great Blood elves to the Horde, you are in the greatest debt of everyone here! The Blood Elves have been a major help ever since! For instance they own a majority of the outposts here in Hellfire, and they own almost half of the Netherstorm, meaning it's a lot easier to do what we need to do to combat the Legion there!" The Commander babbled. "Well, thank you." i replied.
"Well, anyway if you wish to investigate the Fel Orcs you might as well start in Hellfire citadale, more specifically, The Hellfire Ramparts."
~Manuscript from Traxxius' journal. Pages 11-20~
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
theres nothing i can do!
Theres nothing i can do, this old site will fade into the dust now as a new one has to be introduced! well, it's now
Okay this is so screwed up, i cant remember my password for the new brotherhood website... ughh
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Traxxius story 1
It was a cold day, i had just awoken in Bloodhoof Village, well outside Bloodhoof Village that is. The plan had been for me to wake up, walk into the village, grab some breakfast, and get started toward The Barrens, where i would take up a position as Chief Guard of Camp Tauraho. But things never turn out the way you plan now, do they?
So i walked into camp and there was an Orc standing by a... an... an Elf of some sort... So i got a closer look, and i heard the end of the conversation "Thrall, you can't be serious! These 'Blood' Elves were members of the alliance, they ruined our relationship with the Amani Tribe of Trolls. They can't be trusted!" Blaine Bloodhoof shouted. "Just here me out here Blaine! I've already spoken to your father, and i can't get him to even listen to me. He's so bullheaded... sorry... Don't be like him, Blaine. I need the support of either you or your father for this." Thrall pleaded.
"Okay, after all this is your Horde Thrall. You have my support." Blaine decided. "Good." Thrall responded. I quickly rushed up to Thrall and the 'Blood Elf'. "Ahh, it's Traxxius! Hello old friend, I was actually looking for you." Thrall welcomed me. "Lok Tar!, Warchief!"I returned the greeting in Orcish. "So whats going on here?" I inquired. "Well... I came here to bring the Blood Elves to the Horde... So since we are friends what is your opinion on the matter?" He asked. "Umm, i think that it's a good idea, as long as we can trust them, we are going to need all the support we can get while fighting the Burning Legion, these Elves would be a major asset in the Outlands!" I replied astonished that Thrall would care about my opinion. "That's great news! So would you be willing to speak on my behalf in Orgrimmar?" He asked inquisitively. "Of course!" I responded, once again astonished.
"It's good to have your support, since you are pretty high up in standings with Cairne, you can be the Thunder Bluff Representative! Which means were all set to go, come with me!" he commanded. I was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded. This was all moving so fast, so we started moving, and fast. Thrall said his goodbyes to Blaine, and we kept moving. Eventually we winded up in a cave, standing face to face with the Human Mage, Jaina Proudmoore.
"Hello, Jaina, we're ready" Thrall spoke promptly. Within seconds we were standing at the highest point of Orgrimmar, looking down on the soldiers and civilians of the Horde. "Members of the Horde! Listen as your Warchief speaks!" He began, I quickly noticed that all eyes were on the 'Blood' Elf standing next to me. "Today is a glorious day for the Horde! Today I bring news of the Blood Elves of Quel'Thalas joining our sacred Horde!". This time i looked at the crowd below to see all the gazes were on Thrall, and i knew i would have to speak before they had his head on a platter. So i signaled to Thrall, and he gave me a nod of approval, so i stepped up. "Friends, Brethren! Listen, listen! Thrall is trying to explain the reason for our allying ourselves with the Blood Elves! You do not see how much of an asset they will be in this time of war with the Burning Legion! For these Elves control at least a third of the Outlands, Meaning it would be wise to at least be on common ground with the Blood Elves!" I shouted. Instantly the crowd cooled down. Thrall gave me a nod of approval and thanks. And with that i realized i had just saved the Warchief and probably the Elf from certain destruction.
So i walked into camp and there was an Orc standing by a... an... an Elf of some sort... So i got a closer look, and i heard the end of the conversation "Thrall, you can't be serious! These 'Blood' Elves were members of the alliance, they ruined our relationship with the Amani Tribe of Trolls. They can't be trusted!" Blaine Bloodhoof shouted. "Just here me out here Blaine! I've already spoken to your father, and i can't get him to even listen to me. He's so bullheaded... sorry... Don't be like him, Blaine. I need the support of either you or your father for this." Thrall pleaded.
"Okay, after all this is your Horde Thrall. You have my support." Blaine decided. "Good." Thrall responded. I quickly rushed up to Thrall and the 'Blood Elf'. "Ahh, it's Traxxius! Hello old friend, I was actually looking for you." Thrall welcomed me. "Lok Tar!, Warchief!"I returned the greeting in Orcish. "So whats going on here?" I inquired. "Well... I came here to bring the Blood Elves to the Horde... So since we are friends what is your opinion on the matter?" He asked. "Umm, i think that it's a good idea, as long as we can trust them, we are going to need all the support we can get while fighting the Burning Legion, these Elves would be a major asset in the Outlands!" I replied astonished that Thrall would care about my opinion. "That's great news! So would you be willing to speak on my behalf in Orgrimmar?" He asked inquisitively. "Of course!" I responded, once again astonished.
"It's good to have your support, since you are pretty high up in standings with Cairne, you can be the Thunder Bluff Representative! Which means were all set to go, come with me!" he commanded. I was dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded. This was all moving so fast, so we started moving, and fast. Thrall said his goodbyes to Blaine, and we kept moving. Eventually we winded up in a cave, standing face to face with the Human Mage, Jaina Proudmoore.
"Hello, Jaina, we're ready" Thrall spoke promptly. Within seconds we were standing at the highest point of Orgrimmar, looking down on the soldiers and civilians of the Horde. "Members of the Horde! Listen as your Warchief speaks!" He began, I quickly noticed that all eyes were on the 'Blood' Elf standing next to me. "Today is a glorious day for the Horde! Today I bring news of the Blood Elves of Quel'Thalas joining our sacred Horde!". This time i looked at the crowd below to see all the gazes were on Thrall, and i knew i would have to speak before they had his head on a platter. So i signaled to Thrall, and he gave me a nod of approval, so i stepped up. "Friends, Brethren! Listen, listen! Thrall is trying to explain the reason for our allying ourselves with the Blood Elves! You do not see how much of an asset they will be in this time of war with the Burning Legion! For these Elves control at least a third of the Outlands, Meaning it would be wise to at least be on common ground with the Blood Elves!" I shouted. Instantly the crowd cooled down. Thrall gave me a nod of approval and thanks. And with that i realized i had just saved the Warchief and probably the Elf from certain destruction.
~Manuscript from Traxxius' Journal, Pages 1-10~
Monday, May 3, 2010
Yes it is I Cryptsho... oh wait never mind... Well idk who i am anymore!
It is i, one of the three masterminds of The Brotherhood which will be my new main priority, wont be playing WoW except for a ton of random trial accounts that will be unnamed and unheard of after each 10 days expires. The Brotherhood will host its first meeting sometime in July, YOU ARE ALL Invited to join us here, don't leave us hanging! Yours truly will be the guild leader considering this was all my idea. Thats all for now, and dont forget, ALWAYS PUNT THE GNOME NO MATTER HOW MUCH TIME IT WILL TAKE OUT OF YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE!!!
Hacked, Damned gold farmers
I have officially lost my acc. i mean for good, they took my e-mail address, and my acc. well catch yall on the flip side
Monday, April 5, 2010
Beast Mastery Mondays: First edition

Well folks I'm back, and i decided to do a column on my hunter, hence the name Beast Mastery Mondays! well to kick things off i wanted to talk about some annoying things i see in instances, and actually this will be about things my fellow hunters do.
Okay so kicking off with No. 1. Okay today i was doing mana-tombs with my 65 hunter (look at the picture above), and what i found was all the hunters in my groups would have their pets on growl in the beginning... that makes it very HARD for the tanks to keep their aggro. okay remember i said HARD not EASY which is something a lot of you don't understand. okay okay we all slip up every now and then but honestly guys make sure your pets are off of growl at the beginning, just go ahead and add it to your checklist right now.
Number 2. Okay so this one is about all players in general. Once again on the topic of tanks being able to keep aggro. When you see at the beginning that you have a tank that isn't a paladin ( druid bears, warriors...) give the tank about 3-5 seconds to get their aggro up. The reason is is the paladin has the Righteous Fury ability, meaning they lay consecration and bam everyone can attack instantly but warriors, yeah thunderclap is great but it doesn't generate to much aggro. i dont have any idea about bears, but i do no Dk's might not need as much time cuz of DND tho ive have a dk tank, and DND is not to hard to use to keep aggro with so... just allow time for warriors and bears.
Okay enough of that, farewell for now
Dawn of Light,
World of warcraft
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I now have a level 7 rouge! Cruusadderr! da da da da! and Sunstalker! da da da da! my and my friend Thunderpally, (Sunstalker) things have been goin great, this will be my PvP alt, and ive already finished a WSG at no. 4 on the horde! woot at level 10 with no BoA gear! ethier they suck or i rule, and i think i can honestly say i rule! well thats it for today. TTYL!
Cryptshock is back an better then ever
Well i lost my acc due to some issues awhile back and nw ive got it back along with Cryptshock the now level 78 DK and my Warrior Siell lvl 16, and i now have the and also Crypt is now a tank, blood tanking FTW, also i finally got my weapon to drop which was the Troll Butcherer from Drak'tharon keep
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