Monday, November 30, 2009
I'm baaaaaack!
As you can see the blog is now about me and my 72 Death Knight! i might post sumthin 'bout my warrior here and there but CryptShock of trollbane is now my main priority, ttyl and stay tuned!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Well heres another review todays review!
Well, today went by sorta smoothly but stupid Executor Zygand sent me to my death again but with the help of an old alliance friend i was able to destroy Captin Malreche or what ever and his sissy bodygaurds please look his alliance toon up on the armory name: Thunderpally level:80 Realm: Trollbane of course anyway his BE pally helped alot today Name: Tpshorde Level: 14 Realm: yet again Trollbane, now enjoy the screenshot and please look up Siell on the armory!
Late post... and review
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Day 3 Review
Computer is being screwy i took a nice pic in undercity to share with u but... it wont let me upload! well day 3 went by smoothly! i said bye bye to Devlin, Nissa, Thurman, and whats-his-guts... Agamond today! i got my notched ribs and Blackend Skulls too, so after all it was a success well any way it was a success to me! well i wanted to quit along time ago but i gots to keep pushing even if i only have one reader out there, im doing this for you (guys)! well i gotta go but ill TTYL! will have update tomarrow and will also be posting on third blog tonight!!! again ill TTYL!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Busy Sorry...
I have a football game today so after i get home ill hook up WoW. ive been very busy lately lol, i think ive never not played WoW for 2 days until now yeah but i have a life so... i guess its more important then WoW... did i really just say that? i tried Dark Alliance and Dark Alliance II, and ill make a gaming update on my other blog which you will find a link on this blog well that's all for now TTYL!!! will hopefully have a WoW review soon!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Update concerning update
Well i may not be able to post a day three update today but i will try! as for why i have football practice till 8 and classes tomarrow so we'll see! warm wishes to all of you!!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day 2 Review: Undead Warrior

Well today was awesome level 9 now!!! gotta do the agamond mills quests now... i hate those ones... but hey im sticking to it im a skinner and miner i went for da moneyz yah!!! lol... well today was very successful! i think i like the warrior alot the class quest is gonna suck tho but ima get on my DK now btw his name is Cryptshock level 70 human DK on the trollbane server... im sticking to horde butt i wanna talk to my guildies Btw ill TTYL ima go now bye! P.S. i put in a pic Minus the interface and one Plus the interface
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Day 1 Review: Undead Warrior

Well heres my daily review!!!! OK lets see well im level 6 now an awesome raiding guild
Hey long time!

Hey Guys long time no posts i mean its been MONTHS on top of MONTHS!!! well i have to say bye bye level 41 dwarf pally (Dawn) and hello level 1 Undead Warrior cuz im going Horde!!!! well here yah go your first view of him!!!! well yepp im Undead i am forsaken guys im estatic!!!!! well yepp ill post sumthing everyday from now on i promise i want to change the blog name to Sword & Board now though :( well TTYL
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Hey guys its me Signing back on wich i will do once more tonight, Well i did my quests and am now a lvl 6 Dwarf pally Woo hoo! ive decided to go prot.... and im going Mining/Engineering for the Copter and glasses.... lol and anyway ive already found something incommon with my character.... anyway yepp just 74 more levels and ill be posting heroics on this blogg along with Runs i do for the lowbies of trollbane! well i hoped you liked this short review of Day 2: Lvl 1-80 on Alliance!
Welcome guys!
Welcome i am Dawnoflight (AKA Dawn) the Dwarf Palliden of Trollbane! I am only starting my WoW experience as Alliance! And so far yah i am only level 2 but am progressing towards a higher Acheivment (Level 80) when i joined The Alliance i was surprised by a guild invite to Pwn Inc. even though its a PvP focused Guild and i Love this games PvE concept. And also yes i found this site from one person the greatest Alliance pally known today... HOBBS! i found this site because of his blog and if you dont know Hobbs check him out at this URL !!!!!!!! well thats all for now ill sign in later today to tell you all my progress!
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